About BYBA

Back Yard Beekeepers Association

The Back Yard Beekeepers Association (BYBA) provides its membership with a forum for sharing knowledge in beekeeping, and is dedicated to educating beekeepers and promoting the benefits of beekeeping to the public. Joining a beekeeping club is a great way to learn more about beekeeping, get answers to all those questions you have, and meet other folks with similar interests.

BYBA Bee Yard

The Back Yard Beekeepers Association is fortunate to have a bee yard at Silverman’s Farm in Easton, CT.  We are continually grateful for Silverman’s Farm’s permission to make use of the property for our apiary.

The club maintains a number of hives and conducts numerous workshops there including hive inspections, queen rearing, and others.

The Wannabees program has their bees at the bee yard, as well.

PLEASE NOTE: The bee yard is fenced and only open by appointment for workshops or other events.  The apiary is only open during workshops and is not otherwise open to the public. Please don’t plan on just “dropping in”.

ALSO NOTE: THERE ARE LIVE BEES HERE.  Protective equipment such as a veil is highly recommended when visiting the bee yard.

Click here to view in Google Maps

The Bee Yard is located at Silverman’s Farm past their Farm Animals pens off Sport Hill Road in Easton, CT.

The latitude and longitude are: 41° 14′ 58.85“N, 73° 16′ 35.61″W


The Wannabees is a group specially tailored for young beekeepers and their families. Open to kids of all ages, the Wannabees care for their own hive at the BYBA Bee Yard in Easton and meet monthly with beekeeping mentors and members of the local beekeeping community. They learn about good beekeeping practices, environmental impacts, local habitat, and how to gather and use honey and other hive products.

For information about the BYBA Wannabees contact wannabees@backyardbeekeepers.com.

Our general membership meetings are held on the last Tuesday of most months at 7:30 PM at the Norfield Church in Weston, CT.
Please see our Calendar of Events for details.

64 Norfield Rd
Weston, CT 06883

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