CSI: Deadout

Gather evidence at the scene.  Do your best to figure out what happened.  Other bees’ lives may be at stake, should you disregard the clues. Hives that die in winter don’t usually perish of American Foulbrood, but still, you want to rule that out as a cause of...

BEE – Get Your Copy Today

“Of the ten million or so different species of insects on our planet, none is more fascinating than the honeybee. Magnified hundreds to thousands of times with a high-resolution scanning electron microscope, honeybees become architectural masterpieces an elegant...
From Damaged Comb To A Nice Gift

From Damaged Comb To A Nice Gift

I made the most out of a catastrophe. During an inspection of my top bar hive. 3 very large combs fell off due to the heat. I stuck them in a Tupperware and didn’t touch it until November when I realized I had a real treasure! It took a few hours, as the rendering of...

Numbers Mite-Bee Overwhelming

Years ago, I did some research into varroa mites for the Wannabees which is a group for young beekeepers in the Back Yard Beekeeper’s Association. In doing so I came across a statistic that mites can multiply 12 times in twelve weeks. So, if you start with 12 mites...