About three years ago, Bonnie and I had the privilege of visiting New Zealand where we learned about Manuka Honey. The honey comes from the Manuka tree that is in New Zealand and some in Australia. Manuka honey is not very tasteful and for years the beekeepers fed the honey to livestock to get rid of it.
Around the world, honey is used for medical purposes, burn treatment is popular. It obviously works. Then somebody discovered that Manuka honey is much more effective than regular honey. The results are almost magical. It now has exploded in popularity and when we were in New Zealand grocery stores, it was kept under lock and key, as it kept disappearing.
On the way home, I read a book, “Manuka”, written by Cliff Van Eaton. It provides a wonderful history of beekeeping in New Zealand and obviously talks about Manuka. One of the things mentioned was using Manuka honey in toothpaste. With a lifetime of challenges in mouth issues that my dentist got rich on, I decided to try the toothpaste. We bought it online and it was moderately expensive. It also contains propolis. A week after starting using the toothpaste, I saw my hygienist who said, “What have you done with your mouth”. We have never seen it so healthy. The good fortune has continued and I worry about putting half the dentists out of business as others switch to using the toothpaste. Separately, I wonder how having a healthy mouth helps the rest of the body, but haven’t ever seen anything discussing this question.
Chapter 2. One of the Wannabees once told me that he liked putting toothpaste on a bee sting to counteract the sting. You should always listen to advice coming from Wannabees. I usually react very badly to stings, with each subsequent one getting a bigger reaction than the one from the prior week, so I decided to try Manuka toothpaste on the sting to counter the reaction. My experience is limited to using it twice, but the impact in terms of how little I blew up after the stings was huge. I obviously will keep trying it and hope for the same success. Good luck!