In case you missed it…
Past President, Founding BYBA Board member and renowned author Howland Blackiston shares the secrets of Mead Making. Howland is joined by hobbyist mead makers, Alan and Mark Judkins, sharing stories of meads they've made - including some favorite recipes. Links to...
Manuka Honey
About three years ago, Bonnie and I had the privilege of visiting New Zealand where we learned about Manuka Honey. The honey comes from the Manuka tree that is in New Zealand and some in Australia. Manuka honey is not very tasteful and for years the beekeepers fed the...
Some Words From Our President – October 2020
This is the Season for Honey, Honeycomb, and Preparing for the Winter ahead. We all can probably remember why we first foraged into becoming beekeepers. Some wanted to help the environment and the struggling honeybees, some had been curious about this passion of ours...
From Damaged Comb To A Nice Gift
I made the most out of a catastrophe. During an inspection of my top bar hive. 3 very large combs fell off due to the heat. I stuck them in a Tupperware and didn’t touch it until November when I realized I had a real treasure! It took a few hours, as the rendering of...
Leading The Scout
Having been a beekeeper for over 20 years and involved with numerous bee clubs, I often get calls from beekeepers who need some advice or help. I recently received an email inquiry from Liz who has a teenage daughter Lindsay and one beehive. Someone from a bee club...
Our general membership meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM at the Norfield Church in Weston, CT