BYBA Members Open House at the Bee Yard

Last week at the split workshop, we split hive 6. This weekend we will be pulling queen cells and possibly splitting hives 1 and/or 3. Be sure to bring your bee suit. If you'd like some practice lighting a smoker, be sure to bring your smoker too!   Saturday, May 21,...

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Bee Informed Partnership Survey 2022

The 2021-2022 Annual Loss and Management Survey Live April 1 to April 30th Take the survey here New season, new survey! The Bee Informed Partnership team, in collaboration with the Auburn University Bee Lab, are enthusiastically inviting all U.S. beekeepers to take...

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Genetic Dysfunctionality

Characteristics Excluding Africans: Italians - big populations that use a lot of food, good honey production, calm on the comb, fairly gentle, with a tendency to drift and rob Carniolans - one of the gentlest bees, very clean, slows or stops brood rearing in times of...

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Our general membership meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM at the Norfield Church in Weston, CT

Weston, CT 06883
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