Events You May Have Missed – September 2021

If you weren't able to join us or just want to review the info you learned from these great workshops, here are links to the videos from our September events. Our regular September Meeting was held via Zoom and featured EAS Master Beekeeper & President of the...

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Register Your Bees with the State of Connecticut

Did you know that you are required to register your hives with the State of Connecticut annually? The online registration process is at The first step is to establish an account, verify your email, then log back into the system. Look for the "Nursery...

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Join Us for a S’mores Social Saturday, 10/16/21

Happy Fall Back Yard Beekeepers! Since we all enjoyed our Summer Ice Cream Social in June at Lachat Farm we thought that it would be fun for all of us to gather again in an outdoor setting for a few hours and catch up on everything social. On Saturday afternoon,...

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Our general membership meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM at the Norfield Church in Weston, CT

Weston, CT 06883
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